You have a big game or match coming up. Or maybe you just have a strenuous training session starting soon. We get the question all the time, “what should I eat before _____________?”.

We have put together some of our favorite pre-run snacks to help fuel you through your workout or game and provide you with the nutrition to keep your body in top shape.


Banana and nut butter

Our personal preference is almond butter, but regardless of your personal tastes, the potassium will help keep your muscles hydrated and the nut butter will provide protein, carbs and healthy fats to keep you going.

Lean meat wrap and veggies

3oz. of lean turkey, chicken, or fish will help provide the protein to help with muscle recovery while the veggies and meat will help provide energy throughout your workout.


Oatmeal is high in carbs, but low in fat to help you feel full, but also keep you energized focused throughout your workout. Add a banana for extra potassium and carbs or fruit or nuts for extra vitamins and protein.

Energy bars

Be careful here. Many are loaded with sugar and fats and others completely cut out the carbs (one of the main reasons you’re eating it). Find a good nutritional bar with ample protein, carbs, vitamins and minerals. These bars are usually designed to be easy on the stomach and provide good energy.

Whole wheat toast (or bagel) and nut butter

The bread will provide a great amount of carbohydrates and will be easy on the stomach where the nut butter will be high in good fats and protein for fuel.

String cheese

Who doesn’t love string cheese? It’s a good source of calcium and protein to promote healthy bones and help muscle maintenance and recovery. Plus it’s fun!


These are some of our favorite pre-game, pre-run, or pre-workout snacks. It’s important to take into account your own body though. Understanding that while your teammate may be able to eat right before your event, you may need to give your body an hour or two in order to avoid heartburn or an upset stomach. And obviously avoid allergies.

Eating right can be a very important part to staying on the field. Check out ourFREE eBook on seven additional tips to stay on the field and prevent injuries! Download your copy today!

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