Recover Faster. Train Smarter. Perform Better.

All-Natural Formulas

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Injury Treatment Kits

Sprained Ankle

Sprains & Strains

Quad Pull

Pulled Muscles & Tears

Bruises & Pain

Sprains, pulled muscles, severe bruises - these injuries are the enemy of any athlete. Pushing through injury is not the answer. This can cause further damage. But often waiting is not the solution either.

QiVantage's all-natural Injury Treatment Kits quickly reduce swelling and inflammation, and remove the toxins that slow down or halt the healing process.

Additionally, the formulas increase circulation. This allows more oxygen and nutrients to reach injury and accelerates the recovery process. 

Wheel of Recovery

Injury disrupts the body’s circulation. Toxins accumulate and the healing process can slow down or even worse, stop.  Our Injury Treatment Kits help kick-start recovery.  Even better they speed healing time compared to common approaches like R.I.C.E (rest, ice, compression, elevation) and are safer than taking pills (NSAIDS) that mask the pain.  Select the right kit for your injury:

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    For light strains or tweaks, use our Recovery Starter Kit to prevent a small issues from turning into a full blown injury.
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    For recent pulls or sprains with moderate pain, try our Injury Treatment Kit to quickly reduce pain and swelling and get you back playing.
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    In serious pain or have a lot of swelling, then use our Severe Injury Treatment Kit. This kit gives you 48 hours of deep penetrating therapy to reduce pain and swelling.  The kit comes with everything you need to heal your injury and rehab it back to full strength. 
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    Have an injury that just won't get better?  Treat it with our Nagging Injury Treatment Kit.  This kit provides you with all the formulas to set your body up to finally fully heal so you can spend your time thinking about your competition not your injury.
Not Sure Which Kit?
Money Back Guarantee

100% Satisfaction Guarantee On All Formulas

Try any QiVantage product risk free. If you are not 100% satisfied with how you feel after you use them, we'll give your money's that simple!

Rave Reviews

The QiVantage you sent me was for my star midfielder- I coach the Dana Hall Varsity Soccer team in Wellesley. She has very tightquads and has to do extensive stretching before every practice and games.She has suffered a number of pulled quad injuries and we have tried justabout everything PT has to offer. I ordered the Recovery Wrap and she tried it- very positive results so far. Just thought I’d let you guysknow…sometimes its the 8 centuries old medicine that works the best.
Rob Ayres, Pulled Quad Muscle, Soccer

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Used by athletes in the:  NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, MLS, Olympics, NCAA, Ironman, and X Games

Helping You Recover Faster and Stay Healthy

Blueprint to Fast Healing - Ebook

Tips to Prevent Injuries - Ebook

Daily Muscle Recovery Checklist

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