I have to say I was a skeptic of your product. During my younger days when I use to cage fight I severely injured my groin to the level of unable to walk or even when I would try to get out of bed I basically had to roll out of bed, and it took 3 months to even ride a bike.This time I injured my groin surfing the north shore of Hawaii and it was worse than the first time. This time I had five inch long to a little over one inch wide bruising on inside of my leg and a pull up toward my lower abdomen which I thought it was a hernia on top of the groin pull. So needless to say I was desperate and wanted to heal correctly and as fast as I could. I found your website and I said to myself I have nothing to lose. With your product, icing, Ibuprofen thirteen days later, I am doing laps in a pool. I cant wait till next week to be able to bike swim and surf. The term R.I.C.E. should be changed to rest,ice, and chi.